DDS & Partners becomes DDS+
After celebrating our tenth anniversary and having refurbished our Brussels office in 2016, it was time to refresh our visual identity, positioning us for our future while reflecting our rich legacy. From now on, we will focus our communication on the process, the experience of designing and building architecture as well as on the people involved.
DDS+ validates the importance we attribute to a collective spirit and to the creation of buildings that respond to what they need to be within their specific context. We focus not only on the quality of the projects themselves, but also on their contribution to the quality of the neighborhood. We deal with architectural complexity, various project scales and mixed programs, in a generous, inventive and professional way. We advocate ethical architecture and inspired urban living.
Launching a new visual identity is also a reflection on how our architectural office has grown, has become a vital voice in Belgium and left its mark abroad.
Smart addition makes +.